Unconventional Spice Rack

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Keeping kitchen items organized and accessible in a space that offers little storage paves the way for some creative ideas. Do you have limited drawer or cabinet space? Find a fresh idea below for a modern spice rack that lends itself to ease and versatility.

Buckets Are Home to Spices + MoreBeing that cabinet and countertop space is precious real estate in this apartment, coupled with the fact that we do not have a pantry, I needed to come up with somewhere to store and easily access the key to making o…

Buckets Hold Spices + More

Multifaceted and aesthetically pleasing. Not only are these buckets stylish, but multi-use as well. Use them in the kitchen now, and in the future adorn the walls with these buckets in an entry way, office, or playroom. Also, the mix and match feature adds convenience. The pieces including rods, hooks, small pail buckets and long buckets are all sold separately and interchangeable so you purchase and arrange them based on what fits your needs.

Spices GatheredI gathered all my spices in preparation to transfer them to clear, glass containers.  Keeping spices in their original containers is always an option, I was just going for a uniform look.  I also love getting a full view of my spices …

Spices Gathered

Gather spices in preparation to transfer them to glass containers which creates a uniform look.

The TransferI transferred each of my spices into their own clear, glass containers.  I bought 24 oval shaped traditional spice jars with clamps from Crate & Barrel - they sell a set of 12.  These jars do not have holes in the top for shaking spi…

The Transfer

Oval shaped traditional spice jars with clamps from Crate & Barrel hold the bulk of the spices. William Sonoma has a set of jars with the shaker insert, if that style is preferred. The shorter spice jars with air tight lids are intended to store fresh herbs, sesame seeds, and whole black pepper corn.

LabelsI found it most practical to put my labels on the lids so the names of each spice would be exposed as it sits in the rack, requiring just a glance to find the spice I need.  Also, I purposely made a separate label for the best by date so when …


For this storage system, it is most practical to place labels on the lids so the name of each spice is exposed as it sits in the rack, requiring just a glance to find the spice you need.

All SetAll of the spices are transferred and labeled - ready to be housed in the racks.

All Set

Buckets FullHere’s where it all comes together.  I gently placed the freshly filled spice jars inside the buckets.  Since I did not fill all of my bucket space with spices yet, I used my remaining space to house some kitchen items I like to have at …

Fill the Buckets


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